How do you know when your child needs help?

Our staff of trained pediatric therapists can pinpoint the reasons behind developmental delays and sensory issues and identify when a child may need treatment.

A free consultation can ease your mind or let you know when it’s time to consider speech, occupational, or physical therapy for your child.

Good News!

A GAP score of below 13 suggests that your child is developmentally on track right now.

However, we encourage parents to trust their instincts when it comes to their children. Issues can emerge at any time, and we encourage you to retake our GAP Assessment if you have concerns in the future. In the meantime, we encourage you to subscribe to our newsletter for tips and tricks from our therapists for working on developing skills at home.

If the results of the GAP Assessment didn’t completely calm your fears, we are happy to provide a free consultation. A free consultation consists of a 15-20 minute phone call where you can talk with one of our therapists about your concerns.

Serving North Atlanta Families Since 2004

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